From the artist, Martha Martinez-Flores: This design is my visual love letter to San Antonio - a first in a series of prints I’m working on. I was born in Chicago, raised in San Luis Potosí, Mexico and made San Antonio home 21 years ago after I married Mike, a native Texan. This is the city where our daughters were born and where we're raising them and where we feel we belong. This community has embraced us and inspired us to serve and give back. I have created this design with some of the things I and many others love about this beautiful city. From Mission Espada to Día de los Muertos, from the Virgen de Guadalupe Veladora to the Mexican Freetail Bats, from Pearl to the Monarch Butterflies, this city means so much to all of us who live here. San Antonio is Familia, San Antonio is Cultura, San Antonio is all of us making a difference, San Antonio is Amor. 100% of the profits of all SA IS AMOR items are donated to local non-profits (Say Si, Woodlawn Theater Company, Martinez Street Womens Center, and more).

Puro Amor Tote Bag